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Lamb Champs 2023

@lambchamps 2023 was a huge success.

There were 100 lambs and 6 goats on spit of which the attendees could eat as much as they like. Congratulations to the top 3 lamb spits:

1st place: Paul van Rooyen

2nd place: Basie van Wyk

3rd place: Leon Struwig

As well as the Goat spit winner: Willem and Megan.

While everyone feasted on the lamb meat, there were several artists, rugby and a children’s play area to entertain young and old.

Tuks Landbou hosted the sheepshead eating competition where people competed to see who could eat an entire sheepshead the fastest. Congratulations to the winner, Stephan Janse van Vuuren with an impressive 3 minutes and 38 seconds 💪🤠

We are already looking forward to next year’s Lamb Champs! 🥳

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Address: Shop 21, Greenlyn Village Centre,
70 Thomas Edison Street, Menlopark, South Africa, 0081

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